Cleansing Products Include:
LimuPlus juice
VitaMarin - liver
Sub: "WHY CLEANSE?" Article
Why Should I Cleanse?
Millions of us suffer from disease, sickness and pain because we simply don't know this truth about our own health: our bodies are not properly eliminating poisons and environmental toxins. The colon's job is to hold waste before it is evacuated from the body and to reabsorb water from the waste. Years of poor eating habits, low-fiber diets, sedentary living and other lifestyle choices can slow the digestive processes. If waste sits in the colon too long, toxins build up there and are eventually absorbed back into the body.
LimuPlus juice
VitaMarin - liver
Sub: "WHY CLEANSE?" Article
Why Should I Cleanse?
Millions of us suffer from disease, sickness and pain because we simply don't know this truth about our own health: our bodies are not properly eliminating poisons and environmental toxins. The colon's job is to hold waste before it is evacuated from the body and to reabsorb water from the waste. Years of poor eating habits, low-fiber diets, sedentary living and other lifestyle choices can slow the digestive processes. If waste sits in the colon too long, toxins build up there and are eventually absorbed back into the body.
A toxic colon eventually leads to a toxic liver, which pollutes the tissues and the bloodstream, making a person very sick.
Do You Have Any of These Symptoms?
Aches & Pain
Allergies - Sinus
Arthritis - Rheumatism
Body Odor - Bad Breath
Brittle Nails & Hair
Blood Pressure (Hi or Lo)
Can't Concentrate - Memory Loss
Circulation Problems
Cold Hands or Feet
Fatigue - Exhaustion
Fibroids - Endometriosis
Gas - Constipation
Hot Flashes - Menopause
Low Sex Drive
Menstrual Irregularities
Overweight - Obesity
Pot Belly
Swelling Legs & Feet
Skin Problems
These are some of the many types of problems that toxicity in the body can cause. There are many poisons which can be found in a toxic colon and in many cases, these toxins can seep out of the colon and poison the rest of the body through the bloodstream which nourishes all organs.
Here's a list of some poisons found in a toxic colon:
Phenol, Cadaverin, Agamatine, Indol, Sulphurretted Hydrogen, Cresol, Butyric Acid, Botulin, Putrescin, Urrobilin, Histidine, Ammonia, Muscarine, Methylmercaptan, Indican, Methygandinine, Idoethylamine, Sulpherroglobine, Ptomarropine, Pentamethy Lendiamine, Neurin, Sepsin
Poisons from the colon can:
Do You Have Any of These Symptoms?
Aches & Pain
Allergies - Sinus
Arthritis - Rheumatism
Body Odor - Bad Breath
Brittle Nails & Hair
Blood Pressure (Hi or Lo)
Can't Concentrate - Memory Loss
Circulation Problems
Cold Hands or Feet
Fatigue - Exhaustion
Fibroids - Endometriosis
Gas - Constipation
Hot Flashes - Menopause
Low Sex Drive
Menstrual Irregularities
Overweight - Obesity
Pot Belly
Swelling Legs & Feet
Skin Problems
These are some of the many types of problems that toxicity in the body can cause. There are many poisons which can be found in a toxic colon and in many cases, these toxins can seep out of the colon and poison the rest of the body through the bloodstream which nourishes all organs.
Here's a list of some poisons found in a toxic colon:
Phenol, Cadaverin, Agamatine, Indol, Sulphurretted Hydrogen, Cresol, Butyric Acid, Botulin, Putrescin, Urrobilin, Histidine, Ammonia, Muscarine, Methylmercaptan, Indican, Methygandinine, Idoethylamine, Sulpherroglobine, Ptomarropine, Pentamethy Lendiamine, Neurin, Sepsin
Poisons from the colon can:
* Go to the skin and cause blemishes, paleness, psoriasis, liver spots,
* Irritate the lungs and cause foul breath
* Go to the brain and disturb mental function
* Go to the joints and cause pain and stiffness
* Go to the muscles and cause weakness and terrible fatigue
* Rob you of your youth and ruin your health
Reasons to keep the colon clean:
* Prevent constipation and disease of the colon
* Eliminates waste such as fatty tissue, cholesterol, cellulite, toxins,
mucus, hardened fecal matter, harmful drug residue
* Controls your weight
* Increases your energy level
* For the glow of health inside and out that shows with clear skin, bright eyes, and shiny hair
Our Polluted Environment
We live in an environment of polluted air, water and soil; a surrounding full of chemicals, preservatives, pesticides, additives and other potential toxins. Ideally these toxins are processed by the liver, dumped into the large intestine (or colon) and eliminated from the body. But when this process malfunctions, serious problems arise that no simple laxative can cure.
Autointoxication is defined as a state of being poisoned by toxic substances produced within the body. So, the second reason for concern about colon health involves autointoxication, or self-poisoning. When the digestive system doesn't work properly, autointoxication may set in. This happens when food begins to break down without being eliminated. Proteins putrefy and rot,
carbohydrates ferment, and oils and fats turn rancid. The body becomes poisoned from its own waste.
Doctors Promote Cleansing
"If the colon is not working properly, toxins must exit the body through
other routes: the kidneys, the skin, the breath. Many of these patients have bad halitosis, body odor, etc. When a person becomes ill from colon disease, he or she may develop a variety of symptoms, including headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, autoimmune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, cancer or cardiovascular diseases."
William L. Cowden, M.D., Internist, Classical specialist in Internal Medicine and Cardiology
"I like to think of colon cleanses as whole-body cleanses. Cleansing the colon helps virtually every tissue and cell in the human body. Laxative herbs are important, and they are the major component of many cleanses. Many cleanses contain too much of strong laxative herbs, which results in cramps. Consequently, people won't use the cleanse. I think it's better to use a combination of well-proven herbs that can balance each other and provide a more desirable product." Alvin B. Segelman, Ph.D., CNS, Pharmacologist
"The body is designed to move the bowels every time we eat. It's called the gastro-colic reflex. After we eat, the stomach gets the signal that it's distended, and it sends a nervous energy to our colon telling it to make room. But in western civilization we live on tight schedules. And it's a little inconvenient to get a call of nature right after lunch when you're supposed to be back at work. So we have taught our bodies not to do that. When food becomes backed up in the colon, serious problems can develop."
Marvin D. Berman, Gastrointerologist, former Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School
845 434 3829 US
"I like to think of colon cleanses as whole-body cleanses. Cleansing the colon helps virtually every tissue and cell in the human body. Laxative herbs are important, and they are the major component of many cleanses. Many cleanses contain too much of strong laxative herbs, which results in cramps. Consequently, people won't use the cleanse. I think it's better to use a combination of well-proven herbs that can balance each other and provide a more desirable product." Alvin B. Segelman, Ph.D., CNS, Pharmacologist
"The body is designed to move the bowels every time we eat. It's called the gastro-colic reflex. After we eat, the stomach gets the signal that it's distended, and it sends a nervous energy to our colon telling it to make room. But in western civilization we live on tight schedules. And it's a little inconvenient to get a call of nature right after lunch when you're supposed to be back at work. So we have taught our bodies not to do that. When food becomes backed up in the colon, serious problems can develop."
Marvin D. Berman, Gastrointerologist, former Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School
845 434 3829 US
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