Hi Team,
Join us tonight as 2 globe-trotting distributors share the lessons learned on the grand adventure of travelling and see the downline worlds.
Lynn Rothfuss & I will share the lessons learned, truths unveiled, and skills developed on our mega travels.
Two of the greatest networkers in the world - Tom "Big Al" Shreiter, and Richard Brook (Mach 2 With Your Hair On Fire), both subscribe to the leadership style of travelling and visiting with their team members in their own back yards.
So I thought I would duplicate this strategy... especially as it also co-incided with getting out of the deep-freeze NY mountain winter this year :)
So shortly after the first freezing ice storm, I set out from the NY mountains on Dec 10.
1st stop: NJ to visit with Lynn Rothfuss & John Maeder.
We learned to use Flip Video cameras, made videos, pal-ed and pow-wowed. Bonded, and strengthened our relationships.
2nd stop: Charlottesville, VA - Home of Art Jonak's alma mater, and one of his mentors, John Milton Fogg. We did a phone interview with John, co-hosted with Richard Dennis. Good thing, too! The icy blasts that night interferred repeatedly with my phone connection - so Richard and John kept it going.
Leadership Lesson: TEAMWORK WINS :)
Thanks to team member Marge for hosting us so generously :) Thanks, Marge!
3rd stop: Monticello, FL. 3 days with Richard Dennis & family. How inspiring to meet a green master in his home lair. We talked a lot, (yep - a green talked a lot) and practiced making videos. Got one online so far....
Picking the brain of a master marketer like Richard (creator of Dead Doctors Don't Lie) is .... well.... words fail me ..... let's just say he is beyond brilliant. I am learning to LOVE learning how greens think!
4th stop: Miami, FL & The Caribbean SUCCESS TEAM BUILDERS CRUISE. WOW! What a week of learning and growing with our incredible team mates - from established leaders to those just starting out.
Learned from Dwight Baker more about Windows Movie Maker.... see movies here.
5th stop: PERU. My WHY is to travel on spiritual journeys. Visited Lima, Lake Titicaca, and Machu Picchu. Met some would-be networkers... and shared Success in 10 Steps and mentoring material.
Put together a workshop
6th stop://Back to Charlottesville, VA. This time, joined by Lynn Rothfuss. We interviewed John Milton Fogg after a delightful extended lunch with John & Family.
7th stop: Laura Lucas - Your Friend In KY. We made more videos with Laura, and learned LOTS of new supersoy dishes. And had LOTS of fun getting to know each other better.
Baby Goats http://youtube.com/watch?v=ejTdU9N039c
SuperSoy Chili Lesson http://youtube.com/watch?v=L_0p-aBgubo&feature=related
8th stop: Cheryl Henderson & Family in Easton, PA. See our great video showcasing Future Diamond Cheryl as a home-biz home-schooling Mom - with family.
9th stop: Back to Lynn Rothfuss home in NJ. A few days of recapping, laughing, sharing, and brainstorming new options to develop ourselves personally and professionally - and assist our teams to do the same.
So now, I am going to use Diamond Phil Snelman's success strategy and upload the videos to http://Heyspread.com
The Pat Crosby Leadership Hour Info
(OR AFTER Art's call if he goes past the hour)
Access Code 4123123#
LISTEN to Art Jonak Vitabiz training 8:55 PM EST Sundays
1-712-338-8086......pin code 8775#
Replay line (for 1 week) ......1-507-726-3810
I am busy catching up with posting the call replays of the weeks I was on the road. Right now, you can hear Laura Lucas & Rick Berry's conversation on Lessons Learned from the Diamond leaders on the above link.
I am busy catching up with posting the call replays of the weeks I was on the road. Right now, you can hear Laura Lucas & Rick Berry's conversation on Lessons Learned from the Diamond leaders on the above link.
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