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.... Bill Russell, Coach, Boston Celtics

Parable of the Eagle who Thought He Was a Chicken

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Who? What?

Hi Team,

Here is some thoughtful, insightful strategy from Jeff.

For those of you learning how to write blogs, and articles, and emails (things to be viewed online), notice how Jeff put together this short and sweet article.

1.  He used LOTS of white space.

2.  He separated and made BOLD his topic headings.

3.  SHORT & SWEET is IN these days.


1.  WHO is Jeff?  He doesn't tell us anything about himself, or his mission.

2.  WHAT is his website?  Don't know....

3.  WHAT is his last name  (how can we google him to find out if he hides his name?

4.  HOW contact the mysterious Jeff?

Be sure to give YOUR readers and customers info on HOW to find and contact you.... ie INCLUDE in your SIG FILE your

1.  FULL NAME  (google-able  --- google your OWN name to see what's out there.)

2.  TELEPHONE - or two - or three.



Remember, someone may FORWARD your email, so your email should include ALL of the above.

Unless you want to hide in a closet.  

But then, you probably wouldn't want to be attracting business, either - if you are hiding in the closet.



            * * *

To make any sale you must answer three key questions for your
customer. Answer all three satisfactorily and you have a sale. Fall
short on any of them and you may never see that customer
again. Do you have answers to these questions ready for your

1) Why should I buy this product or service?
Say a person needs to put a hole in their wall to hang a picture. He
goes to the store and comes home with a drill. He just bought a
drill, right?

Actually, he just bought a hole, or, more specifically, something he
concluded would make the hole he needed to solve his problem.

In the same way, your customers are not coming
to you to buy your product. They're trying to find a
to a problem.

Have you figured out what problems they're trying to solve? Have
you focused your sales copy on the solutions your
products can give them rather than on the products themselves?

If you have, you've succeeded at question 1.
2) Why should I buy this product or service from you?
You're not the only one who has a potential solution to your
customers' problem. It's not enough to convince them that
your product is the solution if they just buy that
same product somewhere else.

What makes you uniquely positioned to give them the
the best and easiest solution to their problem? Businesses that
experience flat sales usually haven't answered this question
adequately for their customers.

Just putting a bunch of products out there and waiting for
people to buy does not work!

You need to identify what makes your offering
superior to the solutions that anyone else can give them if you
want them to come to you for the sale.

Can you deliver it faster? Can you remove the typical hassle they'd
deal with somewhere else? Do you offer superior guarantees that
eliminate your customers' risk moreso than they could find

The possibilities you can find are endless, but you need to settle on
something that makes you the best person to come to
or they'll just go to someone who has figured out an answer to
that second question.

Once you've settled on what makes you the ideal
person to solve their problem, make sure you let them
The best service in the world is worthless unless
they know up front what all you're giving them. Only then have
you successfully answered question 2.

3) Why should I buy your product or service now?
People procrastinate. They subconsciously worry that there might
be something better out there that they'll miss out on, or that
they'll find something else they'd rather use that money on

If you don't give them a reason not to delay, most of
them will. And who knows whose site or auction they'll be on
when they finally decide to carry through on solving their

Find something that makes it worth their while to buy
right now. Whether you offer them a limited time
discount or a special bonus or a discontinued product - you want
to turn their fear that by buying now they might miss out on a
better solution later into a fear that they'll miss out on the
absolutely perfect solution if they don't buy from
you now.

So, can you successfully answer those three key questions? If not,
figure out your answers. Because, when you come right down to it,
everything in selling depends on how well you answer them.


One Stop Web Support

2218 Johnson Street, NE
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Pat Crosby  
email  patcrosby@gmail.com

Voicemail   1.845.434.3829  US
SKYPE      UniversalPat

to see HOW To ForGIVE NOW


Sunday, October 12, 2008



Full Call Details are Archived at our GENERIC LEADERSHIP SITE
See post for Oct 12, 2008.



http://FortuneNow.com - Big Al Tom Schreiter's master training resource site. MANY goodies on this site

http://BigAlReport.com - special mini-trainings in languaging for effective communication

http://ThePatCrosbyLeadershipHour.blogspot.com - online, on-demand training archive for leaders ~ Where Leaders Meet Online

A Few Key Words, Phrases, & Ideas From Tonight's Training:

Watch TV ads to see how to be efficient in your speech....

"Most People do network marketing everyday... but they just don't get paid for it."
Subconscious thinks: Most people... that must mean I do it... but I don't get paid for it....what question would cross your prospects mind: How do I get paid for it?

Most people on the call tonight... that's probably me.....

Through out your conversation, sprinkle in most people

"IMAGINE THIS" turns on the movie projector in their mind.

I Just Found Out....

Can You Imagine... then go into the future and let people imagine....BigAlReport.com

Thank You for Listening To Our Trainings! We Appreciate You!
May You Be Successful In Your Business!

ADD YOUR COMMENTS: Do You AGREE or DISAGREE with Big Al's point of view of talking to the subconscious mind?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

9:55 PM EST Suceeding - or Failing - in Network Marketing. Live Call Invite


OCTOBER 5, 2008

9:55 PM EST
Call   218 . 936 . 3890
Access Code 4123123#

Introduce yourself & where you are calling in from.
Q&A & Discussion - Develop YOUR leadership skills!  Participate :)

Call notes & past call archives at
Where Leaders Gather Online
SUBSCRIBE HERE to be on the invitation list for our generic, industry-wide free trainings.

EXTRA!   SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:  Our Legendary Guest for SUNDAY OCTOBER 12, 2008 will be Big Al Tom Schreiter - doing one of his most famous skill trainings - live & interactive on our teleconference. 

"MOST PEOPLE" - How to Communicate with the Unconscious Fears & Drives of the Person You are Talking with.
*** Mark Your Calendars Now. 
*** Yes!   You may invite other networkers.
Value of this training:  $49 at public live seminars with Big Al.
Free for our listeners :)

SUBSCRIBE to stay abreast of all our free generic trainings & archives - to help YOU Suceed.

OCT 5, 2008 TOPIC:


     1.  Personal Growth is Supreme for most people.
     2.  Positive Growth Community
     3.  People Thinking Forward
     4.  Some Make Pocket Money
     5.  Some Make Good Money
     6.  Some Make Big/Huge Money  

Resource:  You can only buy Chicken Soup for the Network Marketers Soul at author sites.  Use this discount link if you would like to get copies for the holidays for your team, or for leadership rewards.
You can also READ my Chicken Soup story here, and LISTEN to a reading of it - for free :)


1.  Desperate - ie job loss - historically, economic down turns bring people into our industry.
159.000 people LOST their jobs THIS WEEK in the US alone.  MANY of these are highly-seasoned professionals with incredible skills.  AND Bills.

2.  Curious people --- always have those...

3.  Professional Network Marketers - always steady stream.
Maybe their company closed, went bankrupt, got shut down for disease marketing, and other business disasters.

We are lucky to have MFF to offer people so they understand the rules of the game:
      1.  Comp Plans
      2.  5 Pillars
      3.  Color Personalities
      4.  Duplicatable & Actually Successful System at zero/low cost.




2.  GET TO IT.



     1.  You may be one whose upline system works.

     2.  You may find it doesn't work.

     3.  Then start looking for new methodologies.

     4.  Start becoming a professional student of the business - learn skills, attitudes, develop yourself, etc. 


Listener Participation... please be ready. 
Press *7 to UNMUTE your phone when you wish to speak.


REMEMBER to JOIN US Next Sunday for a wah wah training LIVE with Big Al Tom Schreiter.

Generic Archives:


Other News:

It's FALL in the glorious Catskill Mountains.
Enjoy this slide show of the autumn leaves display.

Please let me know if you can see this slideshow OK, or if you get a google signin box... still learning this technology.


Author Bob Burg, The Go Giver, says forgiveness leads to financial success... see his quotes and get a free forgiveness meditation to help your business and relationships  by subscribing to..... CLICK HERE.
Endorsed by Bob Burg & John Milton Fogg....

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Just a reminder ... is not a place to ask
medical questions or request professional medical advice.

99.9% of us here are not doctors. If any of us were, s/he would
certainly not provide advice in a forum like this, and certainly not
without seeing his/her patient personally. Think of the consequences.

Product testimonials like treating a bee sting with Sunjing or taking
Tramane for a scratchy throat are quite different from asking which
Vitamark products are good for Alzheimer's Disease or Prostate Cancer.

We can all provide stories about what our products have done for us
(and even there we have to be careful!), but none of us can provide an
opinion about what is good for others, especially if the condition is

We have to be extremely careful about what we say in public about our
products. Many companies have landed in court over product claims
made by distributors.

As Vitamark reps, our ultimate authority is Jana at questions@vitamark.com

In every recommendation that Jana sends out, she provides the
disclaimer that our products do not prevent, diagnose, treat or cure
any disease or condition.

Vitamark Corporate is very aware of what we can and cannot say when
presenting our products to each other and to the public.

It would be wise to say no more than what is provided by Vitamark on our websites. Much research and much thought has gone into that information.

Do not jeopardize your own business, the future of Vitamark, and most
importantly, the health of our friends and family and customers, by making claims or statements that have not been approved by Vitamark.

Bob and Anna

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Importance of Cleansing

Cleansing Products Include:
LimuPlus juice
VitaMarin - liver

Sub: "WHY CLEANSE?" Article

Why Should I Cleanse?

Millions of us suffer from disease, sickness and pain because we simply don't know this truth about our own health: our bodies are not properly eliminating poisons and environmental toxins. The colon's job is to hold waste before it is evacuated from the body and to reabsorb water from the waste. Years of poor eating habits, low-fiber diets, sedentary living and other lifestyle choices can slow the digestive processes. If waste sits in the colon too long, toxins build up there and are eventually absorbed back into the body.
A toxic colon eventually leads to a toxic liver, which pollutes the tissues and the bloodstream, making a person very sick.

Do You Have Any of These Symptoms?

Aches & Pain
Allergies - Sinus
Arthritis - Rheumatism
Body Odor - Bad Breath
Brittle Nails & Hair
Blood Pressure (Hi or Lo)
Can't Concentrate - Memory Loss
Circulation Problems
Cold Hands or Feet
Fatigue - Exhaustion
Fibroids - Endometriosis
Gas - Constipation
Hot Flashes - Menopause
Low Sex Drive
Menstrual Irregularities
Overweight - Obesity
Pot Belly
Swelling Legs & Feet
Skin Problems

These are some of the many types of problems that toxicity in the body can cause. There are many poisons which can be found in a toxic colon and in many cases, these toxins can seep out of the colon and poison the rest of the body through the bloodstream which nourishes all organs.

Here's a list of some poisons found in a toxic colon:

Phenol, Cadaverin, Agamatine, Indol, Sulphurretted Hydrogen, Cresol, Butyric Acid, Botulin, Putrescin, Urrobilin, Histidine, Ammonia, Muscarine, Methylmercaptan, Indican, Methygandinine, Idoethylamine, Sulpherroglobine, Ptomarropine, Pentamethy Lendiamine, Neurin, Sepsin

Poisons from the colon can:

* Weaken and stress the heart
* Go to the skin and cause blemishes, paleness, psoriasis, liver spots,
* Irritate the lungs and cause foul breath
* Go to the brain and disturb mental function
* Go to the joints and cause pain and stiffness
* Go to the muscles and cause weakness and terrible fatigue
* Rob you of your youth and ruin your health

Reasons to keep the colon clean:

* Prevent constipation and disease of the colon
* Eliminates waste such as fatty tissue, cholesterol, cellulite, toxins,
mucus, hardened fecal matter, harmful drug residue
* Controls your weight
* Increases your energy level
* For the glow of health inside and out that shows with clear skin, bright eyes, and shiny hair

Our Polluted Environment

We live in an environment of polluted air, water and soil; a surrounding full of chemicals, preservatives, pesticides, additives and other potential toxins. Ideally these toxins are processed by the liver, dumped into the large intestine (or colon) and eliminated from the body. But when this process malfunctions, serious problems arise that no simple laxative can cure.


Autointoxication is defined as a state of being poisoned by toxic substances produced within the body. So, the second reason for concern about colon health involves autointoxication, or self-poisoning. When the digestive system doesn't work properly, autointoxication may set in. This happens when food begins to break down without being eliminated. Proteins putrefy and rot,
carbohydrates ferment, and oils and fats turn rancid. The body becomes poisoned from its own waste.

Doctors Promote Cleansing

"If the colon is not working properly, toxins must exit the body through
other routes: the kidneys, the skin, the breath. Many of these patients have bad halitosis, body odor, etc. When a person becomes ill from colon disease, he or she may develop a variety of symptoms, including headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, autoimmune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, cancer or cardiovascular diseases."
William L. Cowden, M.D., Internist, Classical specialist in Internal Medicine and Cardiology

"I like to think of colon cleanses as whole-body cleanses. Cleansing the colon helps virtually every tissue and cell in the human body. Laxative herbs are important, and they are the major component of many cleanses. Many cleanses contain too much of strong laxative herbs, which results in cramps. Consequently, people won't use the cleanse. I think it's better to use a combination of well-proven herbs that can balance each other and provide a more desirable product." Alvin B. Segelman, Ph.D., CNS, Pharmacologist

"The body is designed to move the bowels every time we eat. It's called the gastro-colic reflex. After we eat, the stomach gets the signal that it's distended, and it sends a nervous energy to our colon telling it to make room. But in western civilization we live on tight schedules. And it's a little inconvenient to get a call of nature right after lunch when you're supposed to be back at work. So we have taught our bodies not to do that. When food becomes backed up in the colon, serious problems can develop."
Marvin D. Berman, Gastrointerologist, former Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School


845 434 3829 US

Sunday, September 7, 2008

9.7.08 LISTEN. CALL NOTES from Lynn. 5 LESSONS - How to Treat People....


CALL NOTES from Lynn Rothfuss:

Good evening and welcome to the Pat Crosby Leadership Hour this Sunday the 7th of September 2008.
This is Lynn Rothfuss your Host from New Jersey.
Before we begin I want to say a special hello to Diamond Ruth Bradford. Ruth is a faithful listener.
While at work every Monday morning, Ruth listeners with a head set as she does her work at the post office.
How faithful is that? That's pretty faithful! While at convention Ruth approached me and said how much she enjoys our leadership hour and the training we provide.
It feels great to hear first hand that others are being serviced by our leadership. Thank you Ruth for sharing!
How proud I am Ruth,that you and your husband reached Diamond Level.
While I'm on the subject of convention, let me express a few thoughts of what I got out of convention.
I went for 3 reasons. #1 reason, to re-sponsor myself. #2 reason to be with my down line and set an example. The bonding that continues is unexplainable. #3 reason was to be with Michael and Linda Dlouhy and the rest of Success Team Builders, who by the way made up 80% of convention attendees. That should give some indication of the team Michael has built.
I walked away more charged than ever before. A few of the highlights were the New Freedom Magazine. WOW, what a tool to help explain your business! It's like having a small flip chart
to show step by step in plain English what Vitamark and Network Marketing is all about.
Each one received a copy. You can now order the magazines on auto ship. Even though leaders who are in the book, personally autographed my copy, I choose to hand it to a qualified prospect, a ticket agent, at Continental Airlines counter.This was a better decision, than hang on to the magazine for the personal autographs.
Michael the genius and strategist that he is, bought all 8,000 copies and rode the load home with him back to Florida for the team to purchase. Michael used the same carrier to bring the Red Mustang to convention. By the way, the winner was our own lovable, coach and mentor, a favorite to many, Sarah Thompson. You might want to drop Sarah a note, email, or call to congratulate her.
Also at convention was a surprise new mini package of Limu Plus Travel size bottles. 8 bottles in a 4 ounce  plastic container. It's so wonderful Vitamark listens to our needs. I know this will be a big hit to share as samples with others as well as a travel pack when on the the go. It will be easier to store in baggage instead of being without Limu. The big bottle was not always easy to carry when traveling especially since 911 restrictions.
Another nice surprise was  a smaller packaging for Crave.  It's a folded card board holding 10 packets of Crave. You can now share or sell 10 packets at a time instead of whole box of 50. This makes it easy and convenient.
On my way home I sat next to a  junior high school student, Kyle, on his way back to private school in the East. I noticed a can of energy drink in his hand. Yes you know the drill, I got his information and permission to send a 10 pack of Crave Tuesday morning. I'm looking forward to speaking with Kyle and his pals this coming week to hear their reaction. I also slipped him a chocolate chip cookie during plane flight, and another cookie into package sent. Kyle enjoyed cookie and asked the cost. He thought that was reasonable. Will be interesting to hear their feedback.
It was most gratifying to see so many cross the stage at a new pin level. My was I proud of my friends! On a personal note, I wasn't going to cross the stage myself, because I wasn't happy with my own pin level.At the last moment after being with so many winners, I decided that was not a leadership mindset. So I crossed the stage a 2 star platinum. Next year it will be Diamond! "If it's going to be, it's up to me!"
We heard some wonderful speakers all weekend long. Hope Vitamark records all speeches next year so many  more can listen to MP3 files at their leisure.
Vitamark gave an incentive a month before convention to help people get to Texas. Sponsor so many Platinum Pluses and your room was paid for. Knowing Vitamark, always raising the bar, they will probably do something to help us push up and get to convention again next year. That would not surprise me!
I look forward to meeting more of you at convention next year. You just have to decide that's where you want to be.
OK, now on with tonight's special guest, my friend, one of my favorite leaders. This man is respected as a trainer, patient, kind, and understanding. It's always a privilege to introduce Rick Berry from Pennsylvania
Rick I look forward to what you will share with our leaders, as you did with me the other day. You were so excited to speak about the # 1 top secret top producers do.
Rick is getting married shortly to Betty Shine. Any date yet?
Rick thank you for taking time away from your wonderful family to join us this evening. I appreciate you!
Thank you to all our listeners and sound engineers. This is Lynn Rothfuss,  have a blessed week, until we meet again be safe and be happy. Light some one else's world and give them your smile.

Call Archives at



Today's Top Email

 Five (5) lessons about the way we treat people.
1 - First Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady.

During my second month of college, our professor
gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student
and had breezed through the questions until I read
the last one:

"What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?"
Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the
cleaning woman several times. She was tall,
dark-haired and in her 50's, but how would I know her name?

I handed in my paper, leaving the last question
blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if
the last question would count toward our quiz grade.

"Absolutely, " said the professor. "In your careers,
you will meet many people.  All are significant They
deserve your attention and care, even if all you do
is smile and say "hello."

I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her
name was Dorothy.

2. - Second Important Lesson - Pickup in the Rain

One night, at 11:30 p.m., an older African American
woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway
trying to endure a lashing rain storm. Her car had
broken down and she desperately needed a ride.
Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car.
A young white man stopped to help her, generally
unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960's. The man
took her to safety, helped her get assistance and
put her into a taxicab.

She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his
address and thanked him. Seven days went by and a
knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a
giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A
special note was attached.

It read:
"Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway
the other night. The rain drenched not only my
clothes, but also my spirits.  Then you came along.
Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying
husband's bedside just before he passed away... God
bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving

Mrs Nat King Cole.

3 - Third Important Lesson - Always remember those
who serve.

In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less,
a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and
sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in
front of him.

"How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked. 
"Fifty cents," replied the waitress.

The little boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and
studied the coins in it.

"Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?" he inquired.

By now more people were waiting for a table and the
waitress was growing impatient.

"Thirty-five cents," she brusquely replied.

The little boy again counted his coins.

"I'll have the plain ice cream," he said.

The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on
the table and walked away The boy finished the ice
cream, paid the cashier and left.  When the waitress
came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the
table.  There, placed neatly beside the empty dish,
were two nickels and five pennies..

You see,  he couldn't  have the sundae, because he had
to have enough left to leave her a tip.

4 - Fourth Important Lesson. - The obstacle in Our Path.

In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a
roadway.  Then he hid himself and watched to see if
anyone would remove the huge rock.  Some of the
king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by
and simply walked around it.  Many loudly blamed the
King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did
anything about getting the stone out of the way.

Then a peasant came along carrying a load of
vegetables.  Upon approaching the boulder, the
peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the
stone to the side of the road.  After much pushing
and straining, he finally succeeded. After the
peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed
a purse lying in the road where the boulder ha d
been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note
from the King indicating that the gold was for the
person who removed the boulder from the roadway.  The
peasant learned what many of us never understand!

Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve
our condition.

5 - Fifth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts...

Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a
hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who
was suffering from a rare & serious disease.  Her only
chance of recovery appeared to be a blood
transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had
miraculously survived the same disease and had
developed the antibodies needed to com bat the
illness.  The doctor explained the situation to her
little brother, and asked the little boy if he would
be willing to give his blood to his sister.

I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a
deep breath and saying, "Yes I'll do it if it will save
 her."  As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed
 next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing
 the color returning to her cheek. Then his face
 grew pale and his smile faded.

He looked up at the doctor and asked with a
trembling voice, "Will I start to die right away".

Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the
doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his
sister all of his blood in order to save her.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sept 7 - SUN - Secret Surprise Guest Training with Lynn Rothfuss >>>>

Hi Leaders,

Sunday, Sept 7, 08 - Pat Crosby will be welcoming, meeting and greeting people at the Big Al event in New York City....


Lynn Rothfuss invites YOU to our weekly Sunday PM training in these words:
This Sunday I will be interviewing a Surprise Guest Speaker who will reveal the top # 1 secrect that all successful network marketers must poses to be a top producer.
Stay tuned it will be exciting!!

You Deserve Success

Lynn Rothfuss
Wholistic Networking Queen
Free E-Book shows you step by step to reach your Goals and Dreams


(OR AFTER Art's call if he goes past the hour)
Access Code 4123123#

LISTEN to Art Jonak Vitabiz training 8:55 PM EST Sundays

1-712-338-8086......pin code 8775#

Replay line (for 1 week) ......1-507-726-3810



We Appreciate You!

Listen & Learn for Your Success!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

8.24.08 SUN PM Trainings LIVE - 3 Secret core actions your up line never discuss

Hi Team,

Happy Sunday :)

TONIGHT:  Art's 8:55 PM EST VitaBiz Training

10:00 PM EST Join Lynn Rothfuss from NJ LIVE for a  discussion on secret special core actions .... 

REPLAYS of previous Calls + LINK we discuss on the calls at

LABOR DAY WEEKEND - We invite you to go to
http://LeadershipForumTraining.blogspot.com  - Vitamark specific team calls

And or to
http://ThePatCrosbyLeadershipHour.blogspot.com - generic calls for anybody + special links to order books and courses we like and talk about -

and pick up some of the calls we have done that you may have missed and listen up!
Many will be travelling from convention on Sunday August 31 - and others will be off on special holidays or R & R.    So we will NOT do a LIVE team call on Sunday August 31.


REJOIN us LIVE on Sunday, September 7.

Thank you for ALL you are doing to grow as people and to grow your businesses and to help raise the bar on our wonderful MLM industry.  

We appreciate you!

To YOUR Success,

Pat Crosby


The Pat Crosby Leadership Hour Info

(OR AFTER Art's call if he goes past the hour)
Access Code 4123123#

LISTEN to Art Jonak Vitabiz training 8:55 PM EST Sundays
1-712-338-8086......pin code 8775#

Replay line (for 1 week) ......1-507-726-3810

Sunday, August 17, 2008

8.17.08 Lynn Rothfuss discusses: Skill With People by Les Giblin


MP3 File

http://skillwithpeople.com/ Les' site with his books.

Call Notes from Lynn Rothfuss:

Good evening and welcome to the Pat Crosby Leadership Hour, August 17th, 2008. Where we celebrate your Greatness.
This is your co-host Lynn Rothfuss, coming to you, live from New Jersey.
You can find us on the web at http://leadership forumtraining.blogspot.com
Pat Crosby is well known and respected in the health and wellness industry and a friend to many.
Pat has been busy adding the finishing touches to her 2 books, one on "Forgiveness" and "Little Red Riding Hood and The Big Bad MLM Wolves".
I was among the first of several people to read her draft, and I'm here to tell you, it's an amazing book! Pat has this natural ability of writing. You can relate and feel her passion, creativity, and dedication in every line that Pat writes. Pat continues to set an industry standard in every thing she does!
Bob Burg, co-author of "The Go Giver", read Pat's draft, and proclaims it a winner! To purchase this amazing book you can email Pat, at patcrosby@gmail.com.
Christmas is just around the corner, birthdays and anniversary's are great opportunities to gift this book that says, I Love You, again and again each time someone reads it. This makes a perfect gift!
I'm hoping to convince Pat to read the forgiveness book on a future call. I know once you read it, you will want to attend one of Pat's workshops on Forgiveness.
My friends, we are in a people business and when more than one person is gatheres, there is a great need to learn about true forgiveness and thankfulness.
One thing I can guarantee you, because I have personally experienced Pat's healing retreats. You walk away a better person and on your way to healing emotional clutter of which we all have!
Any one who is ready to move to the next level of healing and dissolving layers of emotional clutter owe it to themselves to email Pat and ask for her next workshop. Again patcrosby@gmail.com.
I'd like to share with you tonight one of my favorite books, "Skill With People" by LesGiblin. It's a fantastic little book and has been a training book for decades. The book is simple, concise, powerful and full of amazing insights. His book is easy to read and refer to over time when Leadership decisions are required. Since all of us are emerging Leaders, I know this book will be of high interest to you, because it's on Relationship Training.
I first bought this book when I went into teaching and began my network marketing business. The book has proven valuable beyond measure. Les Giblin's common sense approach and easy to read pages make it one of my most referred books in my collection.
Tonight I'm going to review these several points of interest. There will be 5 sections.
I will discuss insight # 1,2, and 3
Point number 4, understanding people and human nature.
Number 5, how to skillfully talk to people.
The way I will approach this *7 to un mute yourself to comment or ask a question after each section.
Let's begin.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Thank you all, Team, for your wonderful leadership in stepping up to the plate when the phone line went down! That's how leadership is born and grows! Leaders Take ACTION!

See next post down for call notes as well as links mentioned on this call.

Special thanks to
*Laura Lucas for our BYO Recording and taking over the call when the phone line went down.
* Ken Klemm for our Success Team Builders Recording & for his warm welcome and intro.
* Dwight Baker for getting our calls posted on the STB site.
* Kim Bolte for standing by warriorship
* Cheryl Henderson for sharing her growing leadership skills and strategies
* Lawrence Bergfeld for his penetrating questions.

We honor you all for stepping up to the plate - and growing and stretching your leadership wings. Taking guided and strategized ACTION leads to leadership success.

8.10.08 Sun PM Trainings - HOW TO RETAIL

Hi Team,

Hope your summer is going SUPER!



Tonight LIVE on http://LeadershipForumTraining.blogspot.com

HOW to MOVE PRODUCT (RETAIL) for Moving your Pay Check UP.


NOW is the time to get ALL your questions answered about retailing, getting started with your Vitamark business. Prepare your questions and ask them TONIGHT!

RETAILING MAGIC conversation led by Diamond Pat Crosby - joined by team member Cheryl Henderson, and others.




NEW: Team Calendar online

NEW: Email signup for notice of trainings


Call with Dr. Evangelista, MD on emotional clearing and unblocking to achieve success. We now have our own PREFERRED affiliation with the Sedona organization. This is a rare and distinct honor we share with the likes of Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup series publisher). Being awarded this rank is a testament to the quality and integrity of our trainings and resource website. Thank you to ALL of you for helping make our training series such an outstanding success. Your participation and input mean a lot - as we are becoming a force to enlighten and help move our businesses and our industry forward and higher.

See audios and additional resources for free on the right sidebar of
There is also a free hour long gift audio on clearing with the EFT system that I received this week as a bonus from another program I subscribe to. I have put it up to benefit all you wonderful listeners and subscribers.

The Sedona group will send you $50 worth of free samples and a free newsletter for emotional decluttering on this site.



AUDIO GOLD: Michael Dlouhy interviews Pat Crosby on marketing to small stores, health food stores, etc.

AUDIO GOLD: Newbie Jennifer Buchanan picks the brain of retailer Pat Crosby.

AUDIO TRAINING: Cynthia Breed on Diet Clubs.





http://vitamarkstore.com/ For Rack Card for Appetizer Diet Cookies, Vitaone, + More.

FOLLOWUP: Email from Jennifer Buchanan on how her new retailing plan is unfolding:
"I haven't landed any new accounts but I have several appointments. This week I should have my samples in and I also have a contact that is getting me a meeting with the head of the school board to discuss the cookies, so I am excited.... I am still working hard.

"I did make platinum this week and I got the best ebook download yesterday. She was looking for a system just like mff and she has already sent me her why, so things are better. I have several things on the fire so I will keep you posted..."
Jennifer Buchanan



It's wonderful to have GREENS on our team! Here, new team member Danielle Wynn shows her analytical brilliance by positing this 9 step Vitamark Success Business Plan. See if it triggers some ideas for your success plan.

My Business Plan for Vitamark

Created by Danielle Wynn

STEP 1: Read the 10 steps to success book

STEP 2: 30 Day Mental Cleanse

STEP 3: Learn the colors

STEP 4: Success Team Builders

STEP 5: Learn about all the products

STEP 6: Learn marketing tools

STEP 7: Apply all techniques learned in marketing

STEP 8: Start making calls and answering questions according to colors

STEP 9: Use the building leverage techniques



845.434.3829 US

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

7.30.08 RETAILING PROFIT NOW. Pat Crosby with Jennifer Buchanan

Hi Everybody,

Wow! People want to make their ranks for convention... SO, by special request, we did an Xtra call on how to retail.


Here is more retailing training to put you in the profit zone sooner rather than later.

As your team grows, you can also train newbies with this information.

Pat Crosby on marketing to small stores, health food stores, etc.

Cynthia Breed on Diet Clubs



1. How do you approach a small mom and pops store to get them to help you promote and sell your products.
I don't. I offer to HELP THEM increase their business and create more happy customers.

2. What is the most popular product you retail?
3 how do you market Limu plus to a small independent holistic store? Try it - on consignment. Usually results in a few - but regular ongoing sales. May pick up a rep down the line... but NEVER push recruiting on ANYBODY... or you will get a bad rap.

4. What is the max stores can a person owns to be consider small and not commercial?
Do they use bar codes or not. CHAINS use bar codes. Any store IS commercial by definition.

5 Do you recruit store owners or do you give them a percentage of the commissions made? Never.

6 How do you convert a customer already doing a large volume into a affiliate? I don't... if it's not broken, don't fix it. You will DRIVE a good customer AWAY starting the recruiting pitch.

7. Do you give customers info to prospect them or do you wait for them to ask you about joining Your company?
Apples & Oranges. LEAVE 'EM
ALONE. Get OVER RECRUITING FEVER... and just serve your customers.

8. What would be the best what to explain what we do if ask by a vendor?
Supply high quality products at minimal cost - due to our streamlined overhead model.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

7.27.08 Team Trainings. Gold, Platinum. HOW TO. NOTES.

Hi Team,

Do you know what this chart indicates? It is a correspondence I had with David Bertrand recently.


David Bertrand

Yes, this is not a problem. It can be shown. This is for team members...it is training. It is not an inducement to get new members....so it's fine.

On Jul 13, 2008 Pat Crosby wrote:

Hi David,

I know we aren't allowed to show checks and make earnings claims. I am wondering if showing this anonymous example of the difference being platinum can make would be OK to show team members.


OK! TONIGHT, The GREENS are going to have a field day explaining the nitty gritty of how to be gold.

The yellow Pat will up the ante and tell you what you have to do to add on Platinum. And then Diamond!

LISTEN to this call to learn all about it.

We will ARCHIVE this call on our site for your future education and to help you train your team members, too.


The Pat Crosby Leadership Hour Info

(OR AFTER Art's call if he goes past the hour)
Access Code 4123123#

LISTEN to Art Jonak Vitabiz training 8:55 PM EST Sundays
1-712-338-8086......pin code 8775#

Replay line (for 1 week) ......1-507-726-3810

Can YOU Answer These Questions ??? For Yourself and YOUR Team?

Listen in LIVE tonight at 9:55 PM EST OR listen to the archives - of these and other calls - at

Join Pat Crosby & co-host Rick Berry for a stimulating discussion and Q & A about going GOLD and higher.

Meet new teams Martine & Danielle.
GREEN Danielle will also explain going GOLD from the newbies' point of view.

Skeeter is our MAIN MAN at corporate in Houston. Here is his GREEN answer to some Green Questions Martine submitted earlier.

Skeeter Trahan

Hi Pat,

there are two ways to maintain bonus qualification. in order to earn a
bonus check each week, an affiliate must do one of the following: (1)
generate a minimum of 50 Bp on autoship within the last four week
period (this includes the current week and the previous three), or (2)
generate 100 Bp during the current qualification week. if an affiliate
fails to do one of these two things, he or she will not earn a check for

That's correct...You'll qualify silver...if you have a 50bp AUTOSHIP order over the 4 week period...you'll qualify gold if you have a 100bp during the current business week...and no...it doesn't have to be an autoship order...if you're wanting to qualify silver...it DOES have to be generated by an autoship order...of 50bp...

so...you'll qualify silver...if you have 50bp Autoship order over the 4 week period...you'll qualify gold...if you have a 100bp Autoship order over the 4 week period...

if you're NOT on Autoship...and you want to earn a check on volume generated that commissions week...you better place a 100bp order...so you'll get paid.

Now...answering the platinum question...they are correct...Autoship is not required...as long as those 2 qualifications are met.

I wouldn't go without at least a 100bp autoship order every 4 weeks though...because if you do...and you enroll a fast start or fast start plus...you will NOT get paid fast start commissions...no matter how much volume you have in any given week...Fast start commissions are tied to Autoship...

Please let us know if you need any further assistance.

Skeeter Trahan
Vitamark Support

On Jul 15, 2008, at 9:16 PM, Pat Crosby wrote:

Hi Skeeter,

We are preparing to do a training on gold this Sunday.... could you comment on Martine's questions, por favor.

Thank you.


From: Martine

Hi Pat,

As we discussed, here are some of the questions that have come up for me in trying to understand the compensation plan.

Under the Silver Qualification it states … "To qualify for Silver Affiliate bonuses, an affiliate must generate at least 50 GBP via AutoShip orders during the previous four weeks."

But under the Gold Qualification no mention is made of Autoship … "To qualify for Gold Affiliate bonuses, an affiliate must generate at least 100 GBP / QP during the previous four weeks." Is it to be assumed that the Autoship commitment also applies even though not specifically stated or does it not apply?

For the Platinum Qualification the requirement is … "To qualify for the Platinum Generation Bonus, you must:

1. Be an Affiliate who has accumulated at least 200 GBP / QP during the previous four weeks.

2. During the bonus week, the combined total of your GBP / QP and the GBP / QP of your first level Affiliates must be at least 300 points.

Again Autoship is not specifically mentioned. Is the "bonus week" the fourth week of the four weeks mentioned in requirement #1?

Those are the questions for now, but I'm sure more will come up along the way.

Thank you for your help.



Sunday, July 20, 2008

7.20.08 Death & Dying. When a Team Member Passes Over

LISTEN to Ken Huggins Memorial Call Here.
Death. When a Team Member Passes Over.

Rick Berry Comments:
Every should have their daily dose of "Greens" !

Pat Crosby Comments Back:
Big Al Would Agree !


A Poem by Henry Van Dyke read by Lynn Rothfuss in Celebration of Kenn Huggins Passing.

Lynn changed only one word by adding Ken's name in last sentence of poem.

"A Mile With Me"

O who will walk a mile with me

Along life's merry way?

A comrade blithe and full of glee,

Who dares to laugh out loud and free,

And let his fancy play,

Like a happy child, through the flowers gay

That fill the field and fringe the way

Where he walks a mile with me.

And who will walk a mile with me

Along life's weary way?

A friend whose heart has eyes to see

The stars shine out o'er the darkening lea,

And the quiet rest at the end o' the day,

A friend who knows, and dares to say,

The brave, sweet words that cheer the way

Where he walks a mile with me.

With such a comrade, such a friend,

I fain would walk till journey's end,

Through summer sunshine, winter rain,

And then?- Farewell, Ken we shall meet again!


Hello, hope your day is going fantastic!

Thought you might enjoy this video of IZ,singer Pat played on last nights call, for celebration of Ken's passing.

The energy from his voice,tone,vibration could not be fully experienced and enjoyed through MFF's phone quality.
A tribute to Bruddah IZ - Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, a fravorite son of Hawaii whose music brought joy to millions the world over. Featuring a medley of "Over The Rainbow" and "What a Wonderful World." IZ served as a goodwill ambassador for the native people of Hawaii and will remain in our hearts forever. Aloha and Mahalo!

Listener Brenda Beard (Chicago) emails:

Wow Pat, thanks for responding so quickly!

Yes, I have done a Master Cleanse twice in the last 5 years once for 5 days and once for 9 days.
I was just feeling low energy and knew it was time for a cleanse. Not just for physical reasons but to get in touch with my inner self, I think I'm more blue than yellow and I'm ready to get focused on my vita mark business.
My mother passed on from this earth last spring. She and my dad lived right across the street from me. She was a true yellow as perfect as a human could be. Your Sunday night tribute to Ken Huggins and Ken's message he sent back to earth helped me realize how peaceful she is now.

I was so shocked when I heard about Ken. Rick Berry's recordings of Ken's lessons were great! We can all learn so much from Ken. He would not have been so prepared for his passing on if he had not been introduced to MFF. It makes me realize what a wonderful opportunity we had with MFF to help other with personal growth!